
Welcome to the GDR Rift Scientific Colloquium 2022 website

The GDR Rift is pleased to propose this first scientific colloquium which will take place from 22 to 24 November 2022, at the Villemanzy residence, in Lyon. This conference is open to all researchers, students, and staff involved in the GDR, wishing to address issues related to the Great African Rift in an interdisciplinary approach.

This meeting will be dedicated to the presentation of the latest scientific results in or on the Great African Rift during plenary sessions, but will also allow for exchange and discussion during targeted workshops in smaller groups. Presentations will be given in English, and plenary sessions will be broadcast on video.

The detailed program with the VISIO LINKS is hereFINAL-PROG

Please note that the presentations will be given in English. Once the conference over, the abstracts will be exported to HAL.

NEWS! Please give your feedback on the GDR actions by flashing the QR code:




The Great African Rift Interdisciplinary Research Group brings together several communities and disciplines to work collaboratively to better understand the complex system that represents East Africa. Researchers in geosciences, environmental sciences, and humanities have been interacting for many years in common areas of the Rift or on related issues in order to understand the factors impacting the issues of this region, whether economic, political, environmental, geological...

The GDR Rift started on 1 January 2021 and brings together 44 research units around 3 CNRS supervisors: INSU, INEE and INSHS. It is managed by a steering committee which is advised by a scientific committee. 

In order to receive the GDR Rift newsletter or to subscribe to the GDR, please contact gdr-rift[at]services.cnrs.fr


This conference will be an opportunity to review current research in the Rift or on the Rift, but also to share and discuss around targeted workshops. These workshops could be the place to initiate new projects, to launch new collaborations, to enrich our sometimes too disciplinary visions, and to exchange.

The colloquium will also be a moment dedicated to a joint reflection on target areas, federating observatories allowing the acquisition, sharing, and distribution of interdisciplinary data over the long term. Specific workshops will be proposed to identify and build these target areas with our Rift partners.


Key dates

30 April 2022: Deadline for proposing invited participants and for proposing workshops / sessions

15 May 2022: registration opened

30 September 2022: Registration and abstract deadline

22-24 November 2022: Colloque



Registration is free and mandatory

To register: You must have a Sceincesconf account, or please create one. Then, click on Registration in the Main Menu (top left), and let yourself be guided

To submit an abstract: click on My submissions in the My space menu on the left

ATTENTION: Your affiliation MUST appear in the abstract: when submitting, fill in the name of the laboratory in the "Affiliation" window.

The conference will be held at the Residence Villemanzy in Lyon. Lunch will be provided (buffet type) at the conference venue. 

Please note that only registration and meals are covered by our group. Transportation, accommodation, visas, and other expenses remain the responsibility of the participants.

The GDR-Rift offers a Student Mobility Grant that can be requested to attend the conference. The applications must be submitted before 15/09 here. The scientific committee will evaluate and select them by the end of September.

For any additional information or request, please contact us through e-mail: gdrrift2022[at]sciencesconf.org


Scientific Committee

 Doris Barboni, INSU

Guillaume Blanc, INSHS

Jean-Renaud Boisserie, INEE

Jessie Cauliez, INEE

Marie Bridonneau, INSHS

Marie-Laure Derat, INSHS

Jean-Baptiste Eczet, INSHS

Lamya Khalidi, INEE

Florence Le Hebel, INSHS

Olga Otero, INEE

Sabine Planel, INSHS

David Pleurdeau, INEE

Sandrine Prat, INEE

Jean-Yves Reynaud, INSU

Mathieu Schuster, INSU

Pierre Sepulchre, INSU

Virginie Tallio, INSHS

Christel Tiberi, INSU

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